All Annual Meetings need to be filed with the County Clerk’s Office by December 15th as required by the Open Meetings Act [25 O.S., §§ 301 et seq.] For reporting special meetings, changes to regularly scheduled meetings, and emergency meetings please follow the following guidelines:
Special Meeting [Notice must be given at least 48 hours prior to meeting, as required by 25 O.S., § 311(A)(11)]
Amended Regular Meeting [Notice must be given not less than 10 days prior to implementation of change,
as required by 25 O.S., § 311(A)(8)]
Emergency Meeting [Shall be given with as much advance notice as is reasonable and possible under thecircumstances existing as required by 25 O.S., § 311(A)(13)]
Canceled Regular Meeting [No time requirement]
Please Mail, Deliver, or Email Annual or Notice of meeting as follows:
Grady County Clerk
326 Choctaw Ave.
Chickasha, Ok 73018
Phone: 405-224-6673
Below are forms to be used at your convenience.
Annual Regular Meeting Notice
Notice of meeting